Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sleepless Night

Sleepless Night
A sleepless night
Spent struggling
Through the meanders of my mind

In endless explorations.

Innumerable considerations

Scattered around

As stars in the sky

None with enough light

Of its own

But adaptable

In their interconnection

To show me the way.

The harmony of the universe

Confined for a moment

in the boundaries of my head

explodes in its beauty.

The thirst for knowledge

Has kneeled
At my need of sensations.

Bittersweet memories
Erase all the powerful thoughts
Leaving a proven soul

Sighing in an exhausted body.

The dread of the night
Has subsided
And a sudden warmth
Has overtaken me.

While the first sunbeam
Sneaks through the window

I remember how to sleep.

Sitting alone, lookin' out my window. Wondering how could I ever make it. Without you here I find myself drying tears. I wish I could have you here. I don't wanna be without you baby. Cause girl you know… That you should never left me alone.

Mere Words.....

Mere Words

I searched among the card displays,
To see if I could find,
A little something that would say
Just what was on my mind.

However there was not a one,
That captured it just right,
For no one else can understand
Just what I'd like to write.

I even find it difficult
To try to write it down,
For how do I portray to you,
The love that I have known?

I close my eyes and what I see,
Is someone I adore;
A person who is beautiful,
Right down into their soul.

Mere words cannot describe
The many qualities you show,
The love and caring nature that
You share with those who know.

Your kind and gentle temperament,
Your sweet angelic smile,
Your softly spoken sentiments,
That reach across the miles.

Your smile and laugh that sparkle with
The softness of your sighs,
The way your face lights up a room ...
That twinkle in your eye.

The loving gestures through the years,
That quickly come to mind,
For always you've a gentle word
To calm and soothe I find.

I struggle and I search to try
To find some words anew ...
And yet I cannot capture
All the things that make you you.

I shall therefore, be satisfied
That you must simply know,
Just how I feel about you,
For with words I cannot show.

- K. Aravind

As Days Flew By

As Days Flew By

The very first time I saw you,
Was special how we met.
You took me by complete surprise.
I knew my heart was set.

As days flew by, we talked again,
But you never seemed to care.
I tried my best to help you out,
By a favor here, or a favor there.

Although I made a fast approach,
Our friendship grew and grew.
I realized how deep I cared,
But the feeling I felt was new.

In time I became attached to you.
From a hug, I wouldn't let go.
I soon saw how close we were,
And the feeling was good to know.

For you, I wrote sweet letters and songs.
You were on my mind all day.
The thought of sleeping was nowhere near,
Unless I knew you were okay.

It hit me then, what I was in -
A unique and precious love.
For the person I said was only mine,
Was an angel sent from above.

The minutes without you turned into days,
And the seconds with you flew fast.
I could only wish to see you more,
And make each moment last.

The times I spent with you,
Were what made my heart complete.
I knew one thing for sure,
Without you, my future was obsolete.

And now, we love just the same,
As it doubles day by day.
I stare deep into your precious eyes,
Yet I'm still speechless to what I should say.

With you, I'm in a whole new world.
You bring out the best in me.
It's hard to picture you not there,
When you taught me who to be.

Yes, the road ahead gets hard,
When things may only seem rough.
But because you and I try so much,
We'll stay strong and get by tough.

Though problems may lie ahead someday,
And either of us could be right;
I promise to always be by your side,
And I promise my heart, so hold it tight.

And so, each night, beside my bed,
When there's only bright stars to see;
I pray that we may never give up,
And will always remain you and me.

- K. Aravind

Cool Quotes

Check out these COOL WACKY SUPERB Quotes

(1)smile it scares ppl

(2)milk duz the body gud, but damm how much did u drink

(3)Armed n Dangerous

(4)Learn the rules...then break em

(5)Give a mouse its cookie, he will want a glass f milk

(6)y did i have 2 climb 100 mountains 2 get 2 u wen all u had 2
do is smile 2 get 2 me ?

(7)Life is short an so am I

(8)Its nice to be important, but its more important to be nice

(9)Im 98, beautiful and too crazy or is it the other way round?

(10)How many hot, rich, funny, sweet guys are there out there?
......two, but they're dating each other

(11)The only driving you've done all day is driving me crazy.

(12)The road is full of flat squirrels, who couldn't make up their mind

(13)You say you hate me,And i know that it is true,But why cant i stop
thinking of you

(14)Im like a parking ticket, i hav 'FINE' written all over me

(15)The early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese

(16)i'm not gifted i'm weird

(17)i have u in my heart
i have u in my liver
if i had u in my arms i'd throw u in da river

(18)Poof Be Gone Your Breath Is Too Strong Poof Come Back
I Found A Tic-tac

(19)Ur not d brightest crayon in da box now r ya?

(20)a ladybug is not a ladybug without its spots

(21)ur as fake as press on nails

(22) Ashes to Ashes
Dust to Dust
Life is short
so PARTY we must

(23) Thats what u say,
now what are u thinking?

(24)YoU cOnFuSe Me...

(25)dOn'T tRy 2 FigUrE mE ,jUst lUv mE.


(27)God made special people and I am one of them

(28)I thought I loved you, but I guess I didn't, Love makes no sense.

(29)Don't hate the star hate the fame

(30)Every One Deserves To Feel Pretty...So Leave Me Alone

(31)It's hard to answer the question
-What's wrong?- when nothing rite

(32)i'm so great, i'm jealous of myself

(33)ChEeRlEaDeR(n.): An AtHlEtE wHo CaN jUmP, kICk,
ToSs, CaTcH, sTuNt, tUmBlE, aNd FlY

(34)jUsT bEcAuSe i LiVE iN tHe cItY dOeSn'T mEaN i'M nOt wIlD

(35)always go 2 bed lookin ur bed, coz u neva no hu u r gonna meet in ur dreams

(36)if u say u had the best dream last night
then how come I wasn't in it?

(37)i cRiEd tOdAy.. nOt bEaCaUsE i mIsS u..
oR eVeN wAnTeD u bUt bEcAuSe
i fInAlLy rEaLiZeD iM gOnNa b AlRiTe wItH oUt u

(38)Mistakes are made, you pay for them..then you do it again

(39)I planted some bird seed. A bird came up.
Now I don't know whut I should feed it.

(40)sHe can take away my trust, pride, and courage
but she will never take away my good looks

(41)I only cheer on two occassions....DAY and NIGHT

(42) If HeAveN iS MiSsIn An AnGeL
Then I MuSt Be aLiVe -

(43)DiD iT lOoK LiKe I cArEd?..
OoPs LeT mE tRy AgAiN

(44)Why do BOY bands sound like GIRLS?

(45)7/5th of all people do not understand fractions.

(46)if ur HeArT is in ur dReAm,
then no request is too extreme

(47)Today i came upon an angel,
i tapped him on the shoulder,
he turned around and it was you

(48)Dont interupt me when I'm talking to myself.

(49)The voices in my head don't like you.

(50)Kitten (kit'n) n: Soft, cute, playful with fangs and claws.

(51)Im so cool i make ice jealous.
Im so hot, fire doesnt stand a chance.

(52)love is beauty and beauty is TRUTH

(53)Hey look on the bright side...
not everyone hates you as much as i do..

(54)Cry me a river, build me a bridge,
then do us all a favor and jump off it

(55)OMG You killed Osama How much do I owe u?

(56)There's a lot of fish in the sea
But you're the only one 4 me

(57)Never say you love me...Cuz for me love doesn'e last forever

(58)If you're going my way, I'll walk with you.

(59)Should I smile, Cuz ur my friend, Or cry..Cuz that's all we'll ever be?

(60)If you love someone put their name in a circle not a heart, a heart can be broken but a circle goes on forever

(61)You laugh because im diffrent i laugh because you're all the same

(62)To the world your just one person but to one person you could mean the world

(63)When I first saw you I was afraid to talk to you When i first talked to
you I was afraid to like youWhen i first liked you i was afraid to love
you Now that I love you I m afraid to lose you

(64)whats bettr? a lie that draws a smile or the truth that draws a tear?

(65)Last night I looked up at the stars
And matched each one with a reason why I love you
I was doing great, but then I ran out of stars

(67)last night i woz lookin at the stars, then i jus wondered, where the HECK is ma celing??

(68)Loving U is like can i stop

(69)I ran up the door, closed the stairs, said my pajamas, and put on my
prayers. Turned off the bed, and hopped into the light, all because you
kissed me good night

(70)If yOu ReAlLy LoVe SoMeThInG sEt iT fReE, iF iT cOmEs BaCk iT's YoUrS, iF iT dOeSn'T iT wAs NeVeR MeAnT tO Be

(71)A MiLLi0n WoRDs Would Not Bring You Back, I Kn0w, BecauseI've Tried.
Neither Would A Million TeaRs. I Know, BeCause I've Cried

(72)A MeMoRy LaStS 4eVeR NeVeR DoEs it DiE TrUe FrieNdS StAy toGeThEr AnD
NeVer SaY GoOdByEnbsp;

(73)A Person Who Asks A Question Is A Fool For Five Minutes, A Person Who
Doesn't Is A Fool Forever ...

(74)Love Is When You Don't Want To Go To Sleep Because Reality Is Better
Than A Dream

(75)Our eyes are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead
than to look back

(76)u always stop 2 stare, y not just take a picture??

(78)ReMeMbEr mY nAmE ReMeMbEr My FaCe CuZ tHeRe AiNt nO oThA hOnEynbsp; ThAt CaN tAkE mY pLaCe

(79)would you catch me if i you even notice all?

(80)act as ur age, not ur shoe size

(81) SMART girls are more interested in having FUN than trying to look

(82)We are the people your parents warned you about

(82)EVIL is just LIVE spelled backwords

(83)You came into my life sent down from heaven,
Now I think about you, 24/7

(84)100 memories, 200 jokes, 300 great times, 400 secrets
1 reason..

(85) I am actually quite pleasant...till i'm awake

(86)If you judge people, you have no time to love them

(87)until water cant be boiled, i will always be very spoiled

(89)I kNoW iVe AlWaYs BeEn BlEsSeD CaUsE Im A pReTtY pRiNcEsS

(90)im not a queen, but hey the crown fits


(92)i dOn'T sWiM iN YoUr ToiLeT sO DoN't pEe iN My pOoL

(93)this day was a total waste of make-up

(94)dont worry about knowing people, make yourself worth knowing

(95)True friends are loving, true friends care, and at the end the true
friends are always there.

(96)If I had a star for everytime you brightened my day...I'd be holding the
galaxy in my hands

(97)If its a good idea, go ahead and do it, its much easier to apologize
then it is to get permission

(98)you don't fail if you fall, you fail if you don't try to get up.

(99)Theres a sparkle in your eye that only i see, and theres a place in your heart where only i wanna be

(100)Trying to be popular is not being true to yourself

(101)The only fool bigger than the one who thinks he knows it all it the one
who argues with him

(102)Success comes before work... only in the dictionary

(103)if your happy and you know it .............get out of my house

(104( iF YoU LiVe 2 bE 100 ..
i WaNNa LiVe 2 bE 100 - MiNuS - 1
So i WoN'T HaVe 2 LiVe a DaY


(106)Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you.

(107)I asked God for a flower he gave me a garden
I asked for a tree he gave me a forest
I asked for a river he gave me an ocean
I asked for a friend he gave me you

(108)never fight with an ugly personthey have nothing to loose

(109)Why does a rose represent love, when a rose always dies?

(110)Your village just called, their missing their idiot


College Days

Remembering my classmates after a few years,
My eyes were filled with blissful tears;
Everyone now is busy a lot,
No One has escaped Destiny's plot.

Saw the girl, whom once I thought as my best friend,
Oops ! Today she is someone else's girlfriend !!
After months, remembered about her for a little while,
Heard she is happy, that really made me smile.

From project reviews to campus interviews,
Nicknames to bunking to last-bench games,
Cultural rehearsals to love proposals,
Short term crushes to classroom blushes.

Everything is still fresh in our mind.
Wish life could just rewind.
Lets laugh, play, carelessly rejoice
Once again become college guys.

Chatting and laughing, we all were in elation,
Till came along the painful moment of separation.
When it was finally the time to part,
We all returned with a heavy heart.

Today life is full of commitments
And too many worries.
But those cherished moments,
Will live forever in our memories !!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Tagged Again

                  Tagged Again 

Thanks Anubha for officially tagging me.. I am allowed to pilfer your stuff with your permission [yay woot**]

I kind of like this rapidfire stuff........
so here goes.....

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?

I would love someone only after due consideration whether she is able to be placed trust on.....

as someone has so wisely said 'Trust means giving someone the ability to destroy you completely but you know  that they wont- thats TRUST" !!!!!

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?

Peronal glory is what every1 [me 2] dream for but I would like India to be a superpower and tht Raj Thackeray turns NORMAL !!!!

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?   

Osama Bin Laden.............. [:-P]

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?

Shop, investment, use in education, giv sum 2 family n donate d rest.. n yea get a lasik dun 2 getrid of mah glasses !!!!

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?

Depends if shes capable enuf 2 catch me when I fall for her !!!

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?

Both are blessed , n u wud be extremely fortunate if you are a part of both !!  

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?

I waited 3 years......... and al I wud say now that the wait has been extremely fruitful !!!

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

I waited for detachment so tht i cud attach.... lol... I wud wait for sum time and if it seemed to me as a fruitless endeavour, I would like to GO on wid lif... 

9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? Your gf/bf or an actress/actor?

Act.......... I would love to act wid Aamir.. if hes makin a sequel to TZP he can choose me.. i seem dyslexic !!!

Hrithik also,,,,,,,,, !!!!

10. What takes you down the fastest?

If someone hasnt followed your sincere advice evenafter advising him/her for their own good !!!

11. How would you see yourself in ten years’ time?

IN a swanky Glass office of a leading IT company in Australi, Happily settled njoing life thoroughly !!

the mere thought is pleasant but u really gotta slog ur ass off for tht dream to come true !!!!!

12. What’s your fear?

Being separated from the people i deeply care about ................. I need my close friends ALWAYS !! the mere thought of being separated in ANY WAY haunts me !!!! hope it never ever happens !!!!

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?

a really sweet, down-to-earth person with a really sweet demeanour and no attitude [i havent seen it so far ] whos really intelligent and is very helpfullll !!!  

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?

Single and Rich OBVIOUSLY,,,,,, [my gf will beat the hell outta me for telling this] but i wouldnt mind the 2nd option as long as I m married 2 her !! [:)] 

15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

Find the sSTOP button of my alarm and go back to sleeep !!!

16.“Would you give all in a relationship?

Absolutely.... 300%

17.If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?

nopes.. iI cant split my heart into two,,,, and i would rather giv my one heart to One gal rather than givin nuthin to two !!!e !!! 

18. Would you forgive and forget, no matter how horrible a thing that special someone has done?

I go by the saying- Always forgive your enemies BUT NEVER forget their NAMES !!!

19. If you get to go back in time and fall in love all over again, would it still be with the same person?

Dunno.... I mite think of a change..... 20. List 6 people to tag:

erm.. i dunno many people wid blogs.. and the ones i know have excellent blogs......... which need no tagging so sorreee Anu !!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008



Black is the colour of despair
A world full of pain;
The infinite depths of darkness
Black are the clouds which rain.

Black is the victory of night over day
The victory of darkness on light;
It is the colour of drowning peace,
It is the colour of the enchanting night.

It is the world where light fails your eyes,
Darkness rules, pressed, a lightless veil;
It is the companion of blindness,
Sightless mortals, to this, hail.

It is the sole refuge of the visionless,
It is fathomless; a dark mystery,
Many are the ingenious things
Inexplicable is its history.

But black is not as simple as it seems;
Black is also arrogantly great;
It gives us shade from scorching heat,
It is eternity's fate.

Black is incomplete, infinite;
Black is the widespread space;
If black is but the torturous world,
From black do shower sweet drops full of grace.

Black, if the dispenser of purity,
Is also the bestower of sweetness
It is the sole antonym og light;
It represents shudderring madness.

Yet black are the hearts of some people
No bit of humanity left in them
Yet in the darkness is a light contained;
Shining forth brightly like a multicolored gem.

Black is a colour scornfully shunned
Mortals , as suc, are easily disgraced.
But it is the pure mind of someone
'Cuz of which even those black are raised.

Black represents the swirling depths,
It is a colour of the divine
We must delve into the darkness inside
And search for that pure light in thine.

The universe exists in utter blackness
Black is the colour of youth
Black adorns the world unlike
The young, old and the uncouth. 

Monday, September 15, 2008

A 'Bumpy' Ride

A Bumpy Ride

We Mumbaikars [ssup Raj !] have to use 3 major modes of transport :
1. The lifesaver -Autorickshaw
2.The Endurance tester- Train
3.The Multi-Populated Transporter- Bus

The heading for no.3 can be applicable for trains too but [cummon folks] for now  the terms stick. The lifesaver in other words the Auto is so named as u can always use the option which leads you straight to your destination [if the rick driver or you know where !!]

The train is named the endurance tester because it really needs lots of guts [and nasal control] for some1 to travel by train. First of all you are ushered into the compartment like the BMC packs together stray dogs in their vehicle. Secondly the sheer no of people sitting, standing, hanging will overwhelm you. It is assured that you effectively lose a third of yourself by continuous train travelling. Thirdly [and most disgustingly] not everybody in the compartment are aware about the term- 'Personal Hygiene' !!!
In case you feel you are running late for an important meeting/ presentation and you dont have an option of your private vehicle, it is advisable to go by auto or by bus. The 3rd option is STRICTLY Not Advisable. Because if you read this and still bother to venture by train, by the time you get down at the station you look like a trim garden been unseemingly tresspassed upon. Enough said, lets focus upon the 3rd and vital mode of transport- the multi-populated Bus.
              Its really a bumpy ride because of :
1. The sheer amount of potholes on the road which makes the craters on the moon seem decent !!! not to mention the zillions of times the driver slams the brakes unnecessariliy [whatever]

2. The no of people squeezed inside a bus- the max capacity would only be 60 standees but on an average a bus will contain around 100 people !!! 

3. The most irritating person- also known as the Conductor who is ignorant of how to Conduct himself. 
                 I'll emphasize upon point no.3

We have many types of conductors. Some just give the tickets and hardly speak as if they use their mouths very rarely. Others seem to use ONLY their mouths for no apparent reason. Some others CANNOT use their mouths due to chewing of paan, etc.............
The MOST COMMON prolem is of CHANGE
It will do a lot of good to simply CHANGE such conductors, but i am talking about loose Money- CHANGE. I just cant grasp why they have so much problem with it. Their pockets will be full of jingling coins but when you give him Rs. 10 for a ticket worth Rs 5/6 he stares at it as if you are showing him a dead leaf !! He grumbles and sports a grimace as if he is undergoing some painful, internal stuggle and asks for change. How much chage can 1 person posibly carry ?? You give him change for 2 weeks and one day you ask him sternly for change- that is equal to inviting him for a shouting competition- it seems as if he gives change from his own personal legacy- he'll start with the argument that you are being insolent, that you should always carry change no matter what and lastly such people are the cause of degrading the standard of Mumbai- as if he himself is a priceless Gemstone  !!
Due to my electronic card which is like a credit card in which you pay the money in advance for a months worth of tickets at the depot [Smart Card !!], I dont have to indulge in any word battles with him. 

The no of people chatterring in the bus is also huge. Children crying, husbands and wives prolonging their household arguments, others shouting on their mobile phones coupled with the constant honking of the horn by the driver, some unfortunate change-less person arguing with the conductor - all this leaves you ear drums to plead for mercy !!!

But thanks to the Bus, I have many friends, who go on the same route, from different colleges. many of us simply plug in earfones to our ears to avoid the noise, others discuss about studies or worldly issues.   
The bus represents a peice of society which is mobile but is a representation of people's lives. You'll find all kinds of people travelling in it as the fare is subsidized- college students, people going to work, people going for various other things etc. It is very compact and people are very close to each other [physically due 2 no space !!] here at least as compared to the actual world outside the bus.

As years go by, and people acquire their own private vehicles, they leave the habit of travelling via public transport. A collection of various people embarged with so many daily troubles who are still warm to you if you ask the route or a stop. But the flavour and variety of life in a Bus or a train can NEVER be found in the cozyness of your 2/4 wheeler !! 

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Movie Review- BAH: When do we realize someOne is just the perfect One for Us

Movie Time

Well, after aeons, I was fortunate enough to go through many 1-day holidays , thanks to which I could spend some time to 'chill-out' wid my friends. I was very lucky as :
  • It was my friends B'Day- which meant the poor guy had to foot All the bills [;) shameless na lol]
  • The plus point was that our friends group was meeting after quite some time !
  • It was fun- not the travelling though !!
2 Movies were screened- Bachna Ae Haseeno & God Tussi Great Ho - a total ripoff of Bruce Almighty though the makers of the film say it is another case of 'Inspired Art'- I dunno wht dey think us moviegoers to be- are we so dumb enuf that we dont recognize that ur movie is a complete rip-off !! Anyways,, I am not a big Sallu fan, neither were my friends, so we decided to Go for the other new release- Bachna Ae Haseeno, which I dont think is the rip-off of any other movie !!! We were not wrong in making d choice and we were not dissapointed.
I dont know why many people have a perception about YashRaj movies manufacturing only typical Masala films- it had its bit of Masala in it- but it wasnt so much to burn your tongue ! I liked it a lot and it puts you into retrospect .

Every teenager knows about the word “Love”, to realize the things as he/ she heard about. We grew up and according to our maturity levels, we perceive the same in different manners. But sure Love is not always like we see in movies, what we read in books. Few questions always stays in front of us as to-be-answered. Sometime we pass through these questions, sometime we not.

1- What we want from this feeling "Love”?
2- Could we wait till we get the final one and avoid the pressure of being the “Killer”?
Could we ever realize that which One is the final one?
4- What if we never get “The one”?
Is being hooked with someone for a while, whose company make you feel nice, wrong?
Are we ready to take it as a lifetime contract? Is something like “Love at first sight” exists?
When we really get ready to commit from innermost from our heart?
8- Does everyone get, what they called “Love”?

I would say, if You were trying to get the answers to the above questions by watching movies, that You were simply looking in the wrong place. Because in Movies, we get lost in a world which IS seemingly similar to our own, and many a time, we identify ourselves wid the onscreen characters, but there are many quintecessal rules which exist in the Real Life and which will never appear in Reel life.

Anyways, moving on from abstract philosophy to the brilliant cinematography, Bachna Ae haseeno tells the story about Raj Sharma (Ranbir Kapoor) and his tangled love life. Tangled because he chooses it that way.

The movie showcases the journey of Ranbir Kapoor from the age of 17 to 30 years. He meets three different girls at three different stages of his life. What he learns about love with these experiences is what “Bachna Ae Hasino” all about. At the age of 17, with his go lucky attitude, he meets the first girl Mahi (Minissha Lamba), a small town girl from Punjab, in the backdrop of Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge. He has his short fling with her before they have to part. He tells his friends it was just a minr fling and he has no feelings for Mahi; Mahi overhears him and her heart is shattered.
This Phase
was all about Teenage love. A little show off, few little fantasies, curiosity to know what it is, what people call as love. We don’t feel about commitments, unable to posses that level of respect for emotions, commit blunders and later forget it as it was a play. Some of us come to be strong enough to get ahead of these early heartbreaks and for some, it leaves a mark for lifetime.

Cut to 2002-Raj,now working as Game Analyst for Microsoft (what more one could be wishing for), is in Mumbai staying in a Live-In Relationship with his Girlfriend Radhika. The second girl, Radhika (Bipasha Basu), hot and glamorous having origin of Ranchi, is here for being a successful model. After having a good time without asking about any commitment, Raj gets transferred to Sydney to work there. Little did he know that Radhika would be so attached to him , inclined to commit her life to him: Raj, not ready for any type of commitment leading to marriage, deserts Radhika who is brutally torn apart mentally.This one year live-in-relationship tears apart Radhika to be Shreya; the big successful name- a small-town girl achieving world wide fame as a model.

This was all about love, before getting that level of maturity, which gives you a sense of responsibility and you fall for the person, not for beauty or glamour only. Otherwise, we just want to have it for fun and for showing off that we are Killers. We don’t wish to get these days ended, thinking that we have something much more better stored somewhere for us. We just enjoy having fun time and don’t wish to get asked about rights, morality and commitment. We look at the show off side, fun etc. but miss to see the depth of developing relations. Yes, we commit by words, but still run away from real commitments. Sometimes we breakup by words, sometimes by other means or sometimes just run away like Raj chosen this time without even thinking that what the person at other side felt.

Cut to Sydney: Raj finds another love mate as Gayatri (Deepika Padukone). One day, he meets Gayatri, a cab-driver, who also works in a super-market as the cashier. She is intellectual, witty and cute enough to charm Raj. She doesn’t believes in institution of marriage or rules of commitment like Raj. He finds her irresistible and this time, after dating a while, he get settled over the fact that she is the one for him and like never before, this time, he decides to ask her for commitment of lifetime. But Gayatri refuses the same and call it an end of their relationship.

Heart broken Raj now come to feel the pain, he might have given to Mahi or Radhika and only thing, he decides to do, is to go for correcting his mistakes .here comes the Intermission.

The second half starts. Hereth ends the message- Was it going to be that easy to just go and say sorry and then get a smile back, saying that “Nothing to worry about that what happened in past, I am fine and forgiven you long back”?
Yes, it was not like that. He reaches to Mahi’s place. (typical Bollywood style: Apply the Main rule:Never Question Bollywood films !!) He meets her husband
Joginder Ahaluwalia (Kunal Kapoor) and two sons. He gets shocked to know that how much deep impact, he has left over the innocent girl that she is not comfortable in her love life even after having two kids. He feels the love, Joginder has for Mahi and realizes- what he has done is not so small to be forgiven.
From this point of time, the Hero emerges from Raj and even after getting threatened by Joginder, he decides to stay and makes things nicer for Mahi.

Raj realizes that Joginder is the one, Mahi was always looking for. Luckily it takes only a few tricks and one meet with Mahi in a wedding and he makes it. I feel thrilled at the moment, when he walks away with the smile after achieving, what he wished for. But thats just enough for a little solace before he heads to task 2: find and apologize to Radhika. Little does he realize what all he has to go through before he really earns his sorry.

Radhika is Shreya now; a very successful star of the glamour world. Shreya seems to became much rude over whole world, but still gives a chance to Raj, by saying that she will consider to forgive Raj if he agrees to be her assistant for a while. Raj agrees and then it goes literally like the song “Small Town Girl”, which means he does everything from washing the floor, to dancing on the roads. Finally, Shreya breaks to say that 'you are totally desperate to be forgiven na…'. She breaks to tell him, what she felt after being left behind like a cheap trash. She says, she will never forgive him, she can’t.Raj is now very depressed. He feels thats what he deserves after what he's done to Radhika and he goes to the Airport to board his flight to Sydney fully realising he deserves his current plight.

Raj realizes that what he has did to Radhika, was like something, no one could ever forgive and decides to leave from this point. But here, the forgiveness of girls comes in and he finds Radhika at the Airport. She forgives him telling that probably, if he has not been like that, then she would not have ever become as successful as she is now. She comes back to be Radhika again and Raj moves back to Sydney , with satisfaction that he has righted what he had made wrong and that gives him some solace.

After reaching Sydney, our lucky dude, comes to find out that Gayatri loves him and has written many letters to him in this six months period. He meets her and finds that the cycle of love gets completed.

Raj was lucky to get forgiven, moreover, it was just a movie, but could anyone else be lucky like this …. one can’t be. Thanks for making an effort to make boys realizing the seriousness of relationships.


Ranbir: Looks enough cute for the role and it seems like this role was meant for him only.
Minisha: She looked cute like any teenager.
Bipasha: Hot as per requirements of the role. Gives complete justification to the role.
Deepika: Perfect one. She looks innocent, cute and witty at the same time. I don’t think that it was easy for someone else to justify the role in this way.

Of course this wasnt a perfect film and had its minor flaws, it wasnt a comlete romantic comedy- both outweighed the other at certain points of time, but it is enjoyable. This Movie is sweet enough to find places in the heart of teens [like Us !!] . Nice songs, nice locations and hot-n-cute pairs… what one could wish from a Bollywood Flick.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Disastrous Date - Tryst of Destiny

JUST MY LUCK - DISASTROUS DAY !!! [Just an incident partly incidental rest puked up !! for a read] [n becuz..I HAD 2 post sumthng ;)] Well, this year [and the years before which vanished mysteriously ] there has been a tumultous onslaught of rains. cuz after 26/7 dese 24/7 rains is no laughing matter. The rains just seem to go on and on as though the Creator has left the Divine Tap open !! and We have to face it, to fight it but never figure it !! So on such a particularly soaking morning, my eyes were torn from my dream by the loudest alarm tone I had set in my mobile [Which wakes Every1 but me !!] . In a dreamy parody, I [thought I] pressed the stop button and almost caught sleep before it wailed again suggesting I had pressed the Snooze button. I had absolutely NO intention of going to college [ this feeling is very strong when the climate is rainy or frigid] but with a jolt I remembered it was the lecture of the Strictest Maam of all of our faculty [name not taken here due to VERY OBVIOUS REASONS. So i hurriedly set to do the morning chores. I had put warm water from the geyser[or so I thought] while I decided what to wear to college that day[the colour of what you wear is directly proportional to your mood - My observation ;)]. I did so and went to bathe, still thinking ; I poured water from the bucket and It was as if I was hit by an icy splurge, I had forgotten to put the switch of the geyser on !! Cursing my luck and a thousand damns with shits, I sumhow bathed, pulled on my clothes, drained the glass of milk in one long draught, took my bag and proceeded to the Bus Stop. It was alreay 6.45, the lecture was supposed to begin at 7 but thanks to the IST- Indian Substandard Time, it never does start on time !! I saw the bus approaching when I realised I dint have my mobile and my wallet,,, !! I could do widout my cel but without your wallet in Mumbai is like going to Las Vegas broke !!! which means There are 200% chances of you spending sumthing. cursing my luck again, damn, shit, I ran home, apparently breathless, grabbed my cel n my purse, while Mom started bickering how Responsible I am ; with the mess You are in [If U ever Are in 1], the last thing You want to have is Sound Effects. I just ran for it, it was 6.50, and the Rain god decided his small respite was over and it began to rain in torrents. I was not only miserable but Pouring, I got the bus at 7.10 and due to the Bus drivers grace [he drives like there is no brakes and makes Narain Karthikeyan feel like a gentleman on a cycle] I reached college panting and running as though my life depended on it , making several other passers by grin [horrible]. I stoped short of the classroom, caught my breath and praying to god entered the classroom [lab] when I saw it was empty. Damn, she had shifted the class elsewhere. fortunately for me, I saw it going directly opposite to it m but over the other side of the lawns. I went there and my friends gave me a look as if I was going to be executed. I peered around and saw her Just as she saw me. She gave a short [but loud] speech on punctuality and why MY bus was late while all the others managed to reach before me, she gave me an angry glare and all i could do was make an apologetic face. She asked me to sit down before carefully chewing the words and spitting it on me. I thought that was all fotr the day, just a bad morning, but It was not to be. I would have written about each 1 of th in detail but again I am not translating the Odessey. it was the Most UNLUCKIEST day I v had. My notes got wet [I had to rewrite 46 pages !! damn shit ! #$%&&@], a speeding vehicle splashed copious amounts of dirty water on my jeans [enough to make Me cringe and my mother scream ], I didn't get a seat in the bus while going back, I burnt the milk I was supposed to be heating on the stove, I slipped and fell [OUCH !!!] :: 1- in my kitchen due to some water on the floor 2- in my bldg due to green fungi I dropped several things, I was mysteriously butter-fingered I forgot to meet my friends and had to endure several minutes of abuse over the cell , clearly audible even while keeping it a foot away from my ear !!! My pc crashed [THAT was The saddest] ......... . . . . . wheeeeeeeew. What to say friends, I feel All those up there, had a good laugh at me [by this time, probably You too] But it just goes to show that NOTHING is in your hands. Things happen the Way they are supposed to happen, You can never take pride in telling I did this, I did that,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 such experience and U will realise [though I hope doesnt happen 2 n e 1] ......... may Be its the Creator's way of asking Us to remind Him at ALL times and not just at the times of adversity and before exams. Well, It was a phenomenal day...........A day I would gladly like to remove from my life, but its an unforgettable Experience................. !!!!!!