Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Life...

A life..

Oh! Don’t you see yonder?
A pretty girl on that shore..
Sitting there by her self,
Lost, Alone, Sad.beautiful.

Her wet lashes look up now and then
Seeking out onto the sea,
Searching beyond the horizon far
For when her sailor come back for her

Upon the rock she sat
As the waves beat across that
A wild beat that only the sea knew
Her sad heart swayed to the beat

Tears trickled down her face
Tiny salty drops fell into the water
Her hopes, her dreams, her life
Washed away with the huge waves

She knew he wouldn’t come back
Back from the world so far
So far behind he left her
She couldn’t follow him there

Oh! There she sits by herself
On that rock waiting
For her beloved to return
From the world unknown..

I Am Someone

I am someone
I walked past a dead face
even though the person was alive
I saw my eyes in the mirror
and cried at the sight
I looked at a person I didn't know
and I met a friend
I got heads to turn
when I walked past
I learned a lot about myself
when I lost a new friend
I cried every tear in my body
when I thought about love
I got hit bad
then got back in the ring
I climbed a mountain of rocks
and saw an eagle fly over- head
I heard terrible things about myself
when no one thought I was listening
I realized I was strong
when I didn't cry when it hurt
I found out who I was
when I was with someone else
I thought I was lost forever
when a friend found me
I held a life in my hand
and it was my own
I was a pawn in someone else's game
so I surrendered to a brook
I walked the fine line between surviving
and not wanting to survive
I still am
I am someone